Friday 30 December 2011

Trip to Taiwan 2011

I'm back from Taiwan!! The weather is damn cold! Ranging from 11-16 degree when we were there in December for 10 days.
This year we took China Airline instead of budget airline like what we did last year, budget airplane has limited leg room, no games/movies and no kids meals!!! haha but mummy & daddy will have to pay more.....

 the flight was late for an hour, we touched down the airport at about 6 plus

they have built a new bus terminal, we took GuoGuang bus to Taipei Main Train Station

The bus ride was about an hour, for accommodation mummy choose Keymans Hotel this time round. The furnishings were rather old and rundown. We will definitely not be coming back to this hotel next time...........
Mum said the room rates are quite cheap so we get what we pay, average per night rate is S$106 for 3 persons plus breakfast. 

We ended day one by shopping around the shops near our hotel.

Day 2 - Sunny day, so we decided to take train down to Shifen to release sky lantern.
the train station is just across our hotel
we first have to take a train to Ruifang, it took about an hour
at Ruifang station we switch to another train, did it remind you of HK Disneyland train?
we alight at the last station, Cingtong
our next stop, PingXi. The train only arrive every hour so it's quite safe to walk on the track
there isn't much to see at PingXi so we move on to Shifen
sky lantern plus fire cracker is about NT200
as it is a weekend the train was really packed, didn't manage to take any photo (too tired to take as well).........
Back to the hotel, hotel sweet hotel zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

To be continue......... *-*